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Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I get started?

    Booking photo studios and locations has never been easier! It’s easy (and FREE!). To book or contact location you’ll need to create a MisterLocation account first. You can sign up using Facebook or your e-mail.

    Be detailed in your profile. Insert your real name, a picture of yourself and some more info on who you are. Don’t be shy! Photo studio and location owners like to know who you are before they accept your booking, and photo studio users like to know whose location they’re visiting before they book.


  • How can I add my location?

    Easy! It takes 5 minutes. Here’s how to do it:

    1. Click on the ‘Add your location’ button on our homepage (at the top right).
    2. Login or create a new MisterLocation account. You can do this with your Facebook account.
    3. Select the country of your location and insert all the details of your listing.

    That’s it!

  • What should I mention in my listing?

    To increase the likelihood that you will receive more bookings, we recommend you to be detailed in your profile and listing so potential clients know what to expect. A few tips:

    • Provide a compelling description of your photo studio/location in English.
    • Indicate what kind of equipment you have available.
    • List your opening hours and schedule. This way people can see directly when your location is available and pay you as quickly as possible.
    • Add professional quality pictures.
    • Don’t forget to complete your personal profile. Upload a profile picture and write some lines about who you are and what you do. People love to do business with people!
    • Last but not least: don’t be shy. Mention notable photographers you worked with in your studio, or cool projects you are presently working on. Let potential clients see you are a great partner to work with. Why should they choose you? Impress them!
  • How can I provide listings that depend on availability?

    There are two ways in which you can provide listings that depend on availability: 

    • Use the listing description: Indicating your opening hours and availability in your listing description is recommended, as you can read also here
    • Conversation between photo studio/location users and photo studio/location owners: When potential location users contact you, they will probably ask more details about availability of your location on certain hours. As a location owner, you can accept or decline the request based on availability.
  • Does MisterLocation charge any fees?
    You want to book a photo studio or location

    We don’t charge any service fees to location users. Creating a MisterLocation account and booking locations on our website is completely free of charge.


    You own a photo studio or location and you want to rent it out

    Fees to list your location(s)

    With our free plan, you can list 1 location and have limited access to MisterLocation’s features. Upgrade to a paid plan to create more listings, mention your brand name, exchange contact details with (potential) clients, use the upfront deposit tool and more.

    Potential photo studio or location users can contact location owners throughout the whole booking process by using our messaging system. So instead of completing a booking by paying through our platform with Stripe, both parties can discuss the details of the booking at any stage of the process and make other payment agreements if they wish to do so.

  • Should the price of my photo studio or location include or exclude VAT?

    The platform that MisterLocation used is designed to show definitive “all in” prices, so including VAT. 

  • What if there aren’t any photo studios or locations yet in my area?
    Location users

    Send us a message and we’ll see what we can do for you.

    Location owners

    Start the trend! By being the first to list in your area, all the attention from those searching for a location in your area is directed at you and only you.

  • How can I edit my photo studio/location listing?
    1. Log in to MisterLocation.
    2. Go to your location listing. You can do this easily clicking on your profile picture (on the top right) and choose ‘Profile’.
    3. Click on ‘Edit listing’ on your listing (on the right).


  • How can I book a photo studio or a location?

    Easy! Just write the photo studio or location owner using the text box on the location listing!

  • How do I change or cancel my booking?

    To do so, you will have to contact the manager of the photo studio or location you booked.


  • How can I delete my account and personal information?

    You can delete your account from your personal settings:

    1. Log in to MisterLocation.
    2. From the top bar, click on profile picture and choose Settings.
    3. Open “Settings” and switch to the “Account” tab.
    4. Follow the instructions and click “Permanently delete my account”.

    What information is deleted when I remove my account?

    When you decide to delete your account, all of your personal information (such as name, phone number, address, email, profile picture, payout details etc.) are removed. Interactions with other users (such as conversations with other people, transactions, reviews given to others, comments, etc.) are not deleted. However, the username will no longer be displayed next to this content.

    Is it possible to recover a deleted user account?

    Recovering a deleted user account is not possible. Delete your account with caution!

  • How can I edit my profile?

    You can edit the information on your personal profile in just a few clicks:

    1. Login to your MisterLocation account.
    2. Click on your profile picture (on the top right of the website) and choose ‘Profile’.
    3. Click on ‘Edit profile’ (under your profile picture).

    Why should I complete my profile? 

    People love to do business with people! So upload a profile picture and write some lines about who you are and what you do. It will help you getting a higher response to your messages.